Thinking of learning VueJs ?

Thinking of learning VueJs ?


6 min read

Starting Out With VueJs❤

Hi there, as Web Developers (especially for Junior Devs), when trying to learn or use a framework, we easily get overwhelmed with the numerous JavaScript frameworks and libraries....whoosh🤦‍♂️. Worry no more, VueJs is here for the rescue😁. I started my journey with VueJs some months ago and I would be sharing my experience and knowledge here so relax and lets get started. In this article I would be covering

  • My past experience before VueJs
  • Why VueJs
  • Basics concepts of VueJs to get started with
  • Resources to aid in the learning process

My experience before VueJs

I started out with learning the basics of web development, that included learning HTML, CSS and of course JavaScript. The real burden began when I wanted to dynamically interact with DOM elements. To solve this I reached out to jQuery and after some time moved on to React because of its popularity and massive growth. React was good but I felt it was a bit complex to grasp really fast especially as a beginner. During an internship , my senior developer under which I was working advised I should try out VueJs and that's where the love began for the JavaScript framework. The catch here is VueJs is easy to learn and to kick start a project with.

Why VueJs

Basically, to create a website you need HTML, CSS and JavaScript, at least that's what most tutorials tell you and that's exactly what most Web developers start out with. In order to transition smoothly to a Javascript framework, you need to know how these three basic languages (HTML, CSS, Js) fit into the new framework you are trying to learn. It's like moving from drawing with a pencil and paper to using an advanced too like Adobe Illustrator. You need to know how to transfer the knowledge you already have and build on that knowledge, and trust me, VueJs is just the best choice for stepping out from basic web development to a Javascript based framework. VueJs is a Progressive Javascript framework which is incrementally adoptable, focused on the view layer making it easy to start a project with and easily integrate with your existing projects. I plan on creating a whole series on the basics of VueJs so worry not if you are a complete beginner, just watch this space and you will be on the road to becoming a world class VueJs developer 😁.

Basic Concepts to get started with

To grasp the basics of VueJs you should look into understanding the following :

  • Review Javascript
  • The Vue Instance , Data and Methods, Data Binding , Computed Property
  • Event Modifying , Two way Data Binding,
  • Dynamic CSS Classes , Conditionals, Looping
  • The Vue CLI
  • Components , Refs, Props
  • Life Cycle Hooks, Dynamic Components
  • Input Bindings
  • HTTP Requests, GET and POST Requests, Axios
  • Routing , VueX

This might be overwhelming as at now but getting a good grasp of these topics would give you a solid foundation and as I said my articles would be covering these areas.


To be completely honest the VueJs documentation is one of the neatest and clear documentations I have come across . Here is the link - .

The Net Ninja on YouTube , one of my best teachers , link -

Laracasts -

Vue School -

You can get started with the above links.


If you are thinking of learning VueJs , my advice is this is the right time to start. Getting a grasp of how it works makes it easier to learn other libraries like ReactJs. It's comfortable to pick up and easy to integrate into your current project. I hope to contribute my knowledge to the VueJs community by writing articles and also, a big thank you for reading my article !!😊